There is nothing like a first date to cause an anxiety attack even in the most confident of women. As most women were raised to seek male approval at any cost, we find ourselves worrying about the wrong things. Will he notice my dress is slightly out of style? Will he laugh at my jokes? Am I his type?
Although a first impression does tend to linger for a while in people's minds it is important not to go overboard and try to be someone that you think he might like - like his ex or a supermodel he admired in a magazine. First dates are also not a good time to experiment with hairstyle or the shape of your brows. The most important thing is to relax and be yourself.
Playing the dating game means being a good sport. Nobody wants to be around a nervous individual or an individual that is trying to hard to impress others. As Bart Simpson would say, "It smacks of effort, man."
If you decide you are going to have a good time, then you probably will. However, there are some steps you can take to put yourself at ease before the date as well as ensure that nobody, and especially you, gets hurt.
First of all, make sure the date will be something you will enjoy. If your date suggests going bowling and you wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of rented running shoes then suggest an alternative. Suggest that the two of you check out that new restaurant that just opened or a stroll through the museum. Scary movies are also good for first dates as they have a way of raising adrenaline levels. This causes him to associate excitement with you.
If the thought of engaging in conversation with a man that you barely know makes you nervous then suggest an activity that keeps you both occupied such as a sports event, horse-back riding, playing darts or taking a walk in the park. Try to choose something that is fun and exciting for both you. This will definitely take the pressure off you to entertain or amuse your partner with conversation.
However don't go overboard with this "making him associate you with excitement" idea. A first date is not a good time to suggest jumping out of an airplane together holding hands or trying the latest in vertigo-inducing equipment at the local amusement park. It is also not the time to venture out to explore any exotic new cuisines that could cause stomach distress.
While out on the date, make sure to take it easy and go with the flow. Anything can happen on a date including spilt wine on a white dress, bad service from a waiter, a flat tire, or even being chased down the street by robbers. Whatever happens, try to keep your sense of humor.
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