What do you look for in a woman?
I'm looking for someone that comes from a good family, who's close to her family, who just likes to have a good time. Not someone who plays games. And I'm looking for somebody I can trust. I don't get jealous of people and I don't like when people get jealous of anything I'm doing. If you can't trust somebody, then move on and find somebody you can.
What has been the wildest or sweetest e-mail you've received from a Cosmo reader?
The most interesting one I've received so far, I got last night — she wrote her own bachelorette profile exactly like the ones that appeared for us in the magazine. I thought that was very creative and I made sure to tell her how unique it was.
What else would catch your eye in an e-mail, besides that lucky girl you mentioned?
You know what's funny? The other bachelors and I all talk, and by comparing notes we've realized we've all gotten the same e-mails that were clearly cut and pasted where the girl forgot to change the name and the state! So you can tell which of them are true, heartfelt ones — those are the ones that are just saying hello and not "Please write back."
Since you became one of the 51 Cosmo Bachelors, have any ex-girlfriends called you begging to get back together?
No. Ironically, I'm still friends with all of the women I've seriously dated. I don't really have bridges that I burned that people are now calling back. Most of those people I speak with anyway. So they weren't calling, chasing me down. But we'll see what happens now that I won the big prize!
Do you know what you're going to do with the 10K?
First, I'm going to make sure I'm smart with it and put aside what I know I need to pay in taxes. And then I'm going to certainly do something for the friend that got me here. Because at this point, she's got no recognition and I wouldn't be standing here talking to you if it wasn't for her. So she's a saint and she's going to have some shopping to do.
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