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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What Women Respond To
I will give you an impressive example of a natural seducer further down, but let’s look at this first.
Love for “a” woman
Many guys will say they fall in love with a woman. They are looking for one specific girl to be with (hey, for whatever purpose, right?). Watch any romantic movie, and it’ll have a great guy falling head-over-heels for a great woman. Listen to the radio sometimes? Full of love songs directed at that one special girl.
What they don’t get is that their kind of love is conditional. It will eventually work out, but if your goal is to become spellbindingly attractive, if you want to be that outstanding, special guy women dream of (listen to them and they’ll tell you about “him”), consider what comes next.
A natural seducer
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
5 Minutes with Cosmo's Bachelor of the Year: Ryan "Mickey" McLean

What do you look for in a woman?
I'm looking for someone that comes from a good family, who's close to her family, who just likes to have a good time. Not someone who plays games. And I'm looking for somebody I can trust. I don't get jealous of people and I don't like when people get jealous of anything I'm doing. If you can't trust somebody, then move on and find somebody you can.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
3 Tips to Getting a Phone Number
A quick way you can get over this is to have something prepared. Always have something on the tip of your tongue for the end of a conversation. Here’s 3 tips from those in the know to help you get that contact info if you feel the conversation coming to a close (or if you need to take off).
The first one is to just be casual. Say, “It was great meeting you, but I’ve got to go. My friends are waiting for me, but we should definitely catch up some time.” Then you get our your phone and put it physically in her hands and say, “Enter your number/digits here and I’ll text you the details.” So after she does that and gives you back the phone, you call the number right there in front of her while she’s still standing there. Sometimes they’ll be like,”What, you don’t trust me?” to which you would respond, “No, no I don’t trust you.” Be sure to say it playfully while laughing a bit.
The second way to get a number is for if she has to go somewhere. Most of the time if you, say, stop women on the street they tend to be on their way somewhere. They might be on their way to work or heading out to lunch for their break, or doing one of a million other things. So you want to make sure you’re very brief; short and sweet as the term goes. Anyway, getting the number can be quite easy. She’ll say something like, “I’ve gotta take off now.” To which you respond, “Alright, cool, no problem, but you seem like an interesting person; I think we can definitely catch up sometime and hang out.” Then you get out your phone and ask how they spell their name. THen you just wait, while looking at the phone and her as though you’re expecting her to tell you how she spells her name (because you are). And that’s it; its just that easy. YOu’ll enter their name in and then ask for their digits while saying something along the lines of, “cool, I’ll instant message you/text you” or something to that effect. And, again, you’ll call them right there in front of them to check the number. After you check the number just say, “It was great meeting you, we’ll definitely catch up sometime.” And then you walk away.
The 3rd and final tip is a bit…well, its a bit sneaky. You’ll often get some pretty mixed reactions, so be sure you’re prepared for the results if you try this next one. THis is often done around college campuses, and what you do is you walk up to a girl with their cell in their hand, and you say,”Thats a really cool phone, do you mind if I take a look at it?” And then you flip it open and act as though you’re checking it out, and while you’re doing this you enter your number into the phone and call yourself. So thats an interesting way of getting a number sort of “under the radar,” but remember that its sort of hit and miss. You could get slapped, or you could get a much more pleasant reaction, so be prepared for anything if you decide to try it.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
World’s Most Expensive Polo Shirts
While dress shirts get the luxury treatment most often, you’ll find gems even among the simple polo shirt. Check out some of the most expensive polo shirts in the world.
Dior Homme Striped Polo, Red ‘Bee’ – $305
This made-in-Italy black cotton polo has stylish red and white stripes and features Dior’s bee emblem embroidered in red. Really, that’s all it takes to make this a $300 shirt.
Brioni Contrast Check Polo – $385
Also made in Italy, Brioni’s expensive polo is made of soft, beige cotton with a navy check pattern on the collar and sleeves. The machine washable polo features an “ideal fit,” apparently regardless of how oddly shaped the wearer might be.
Miguel Caballero Bulletproof Men’s Polo Shirt – $4,000-$6,000
Colombian designer Miguel Caballero designed this polo for his Black Label Collection of high-security fashion. The removable panels between the shirt’s insulating microfiber interior and 100% cotton exterior come in three grades of anti-ballistic protection, certified by the US Department of Justice against anything from a 9mm (IIA) to an Uzi submachine gun (II) or MP5 submachine gun (IIIA). The highest grade is even stab-proof. These shirts are dry clean only and come in blue, white, black or red.
World’s Most Expensive Cleats
The most expensive pairs of cleats in the world are going up for auction in London. Worn by English footballers, these three pairs of shoes are worth over $624,000 altogether.
The pair worn by John Terry, captain of the Chelsea Football Club and England’s national football team, is the most expensive of the three. The Umbro shoes feature a total of 2,374 jewels—including over 27 carats of white diamonds, over 10 carats of sapphires and eighty-four black diamonds set in white gold on the tips of the cleats’ studs. White gold shields bearing Terry’s No. 6 adorn the toes and the tongues feature the names of Terry’s children, Summer and Georgie, as well as the cross of St. George. This pair of shoes is valued at just under $220,000.
The other two pairs are Nikes worn by Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney—embellished with 2,576 gems and rose gold—and center back Rio Ferdinand—decorated with 2,494 gems, rose gold and artwork by film producer and former musician Goldie. Each is valued over $202,000.
The most expensive cleats are the brainchildren of former model and dancer Luisa Di Marco.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Relationship Advice: When Mercury Goes Retrograde
Blame it on Mercury in retrograde. It began August 20 and will continue its terrible reign until September 12th.
In astrology, the planet Mercury represents the mythological messenger and rules over all things having to do with communication. And when it goes into retrograde (a three-week period that happens four times a year when the planet appears to slow down, stop, and move backwards) you can be sure to expect chaos, delays and confusion on all fronts.
Don't worry. Everything will be OK. And besides, it isn't all bad. There's a time and place for everything in life, and that includes Mercury's retrograde phase. provides four good rules of thumb for coping during this time period (take a time-out and deal with things from your past, be non-committal and avoid making set plans, repeat and review everything, reflect on your soul), but we wonder: how does this translate into your love life?
Unfortunately, be prepared for a few curve balls to be thrown your way, as what was committed to, promised, expected or planned will surely go awry during a retrograde period. Below are some pointers for navigating this difficult time period no matter what love stage you are currently in.
Single: There is no better time to be single. Take this time to reflect on who you are and get in touch with your feelings, goals and aspirations. What's your life plan, and what do you need to do or change to get things going? Reflect, don't act. Mercury in retrograde is a period where you should be looking back—not forward. Do not go on a first date. You just aren't yourself and will have difficulty communicating clearly. What's more, you may have ghosts of relationships past on your mind. One or two of them might even reappear in your life. If they do, now's a good time to reconcile and move on. Hold off on any new romance until Mercury goes direct on September 12th.
It's Complicated: For whatever this means to you, make sure to wait until this period is over to make up, break up or otherwise decide on a new direction in your relationship. If things have yet to be defined, hold off on the WUWU (What's Up With Us) talk. Never fear if things have taken a turn for the worst, at the end of the month the two of you could pick up just where things left off. Until then, it's better to just let things be and go with the flow. In addition, Mercury's reversal provides for a wonderful opportunity to correct past mistakes and should be a time where you work to correct problematic relationship habits.
Taken: No matter if you've been dating for a few months or a few years, you may find yourself questioning your commitment to or interest in your sweetie, and communication snafus will be sure to cause arguments. Be patient. If things "get weird," blame it on Mercury and forget about it. While waiting for things to simmer down, revisit some of your old haunts and good memories as a couple, which will help keep things in perspective.
Engaged: Now is not the time to set a date or finalize any important plans, as they will probably end up having to be changed. If you do have to go forward signing the contract for that fabulous wedding singer, or placing a deposit on your nuptial venue, make sure to go over everything with a fine-toothed comb. This will save you both time and money in the long haul.
Married: Unlike other love stages, those who are married will find this Mercurial phase can actually strengthen a relationship. Because this period is characterized by a deepening in appreciation for the good old things, and since you already know each other and don't need to worry about making a bad impression, just sit back in silence and enjoy each other's company. Now is the perfect time to renew your vows or take a second honeymoon.
Starting Over: If you are in the middle of a divorce, take time to make sure the terms of your split are crystal clear. You don't want to bungle any important legal issues, and if you are not paying attention your divorce can take longer than expected to be finalized. Bitter about how things turned out? Now's the time to bury the proverbial hatchet and release deep resentments for good. It's also a good time to set about reorganizing your life without your partner. Take all reminders of your ex to a thrift shop or re-gift them to friends.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
New Study: Fatter Men Last ... Longer?
I was immediately suspicious.
Title notwithstanding, the story is not exclusively about fat men, but is rather a compilation of fun facts about which kinds of people last longest, and why. But The Beast introduces it by saying: "Researchers in Turkey have finished a yearlong study that correlated body mass index with male sexual performance. Their findings may surprise you: Heavier men were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slender men lasted an average of 108 seconds. The study, published in Nature, showed overweight men had higher levels of the female estradiol hormone, which blocks male hormones and delays the climax."
Slender men only last 108 seconds, on average? Whaaa? Not in my experience.
But then I read the fine print — and looked at the study The Beast referenced. I found that it was comparing obese men to a group of dudes who had problems with premature ejaculation, rather than comparing them to the male population at large. So, as far as I can tell, it's not that fatties last longer than all other guys — but rather that they last longer than premature ejaculators.
The rest of the piece was similarly disappointing; I was suspicious of nearly all the stats they listed. For instance, when I read, "Sixteen-to-24-year-olds last twice as long as people aged 55 and up," I thought, Nice! Scientific data that will help me to defend my perhaps unfortunate proclivity for dudes fresh out of college. (Even though — I know, I know — I have promised to swear off the Junior Mints.)
But after The Beast writer noted that she got the young-versus-old lovers stat from a Durex condom study, she went on to say, "Granted, the trouble with researching the durations of sexual encounters is that nearly all of the data is self-reported, which creates built-in problems with its accuracy." Isn't that the problem with just about ALL of the stats they mention? Because I can't imagine there are too many studies that involve volunteer lovers who allow researchers to tape sensors all over their bodies before observing them as they have laboratory sex.
So ... You tell me: Based on your observations, which lovers last longest?
I'll wager that it's the younger men ... and the ones who work out a lot. (Then again, I've never had sex with anyone who didn't fit into at least one of those two categories, if not both. So what do I know?)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Heide Lindgren is perfect fit for GUESS by Marciano

The fashion-forward lifestyle brand famous for its trendsetting styles from denim Pioneer GUESS, Inc., has announced American model Heide Lindgren as the new face of GUESS by Marciano. Heide Lindgren joins a long history of legendary supermodels who have been the face of fashion giant GUESS, including Claudia Schiffer, Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio.
The Fall/Winter 2010 GUESS by Marciano Campaign is a classic collection of black & white images that transport the viewer back to the set of a 1960's film classic and showcase the collection in the manner it was meant to be: beautiful, glamorous and provocative.
"The GUESS by Marciano Fall Campaign conveys elegance and timeless beauty," says Paul Marciano, Chief Executive Officer and Creative Director for GUESS, Inc., "Heide Lindgren is a perfect fit for the fall 2010 advertising campaign as she portrays sexiness, success and power-and that is who our customer is today."
Moving from hometown Boca Raton, FL to New York City in January 2008, Heide has quickly become one of the most sought after American models. She has already shot with famed photographer Bruce Weber and recently was featured in Elle, Marie Claire, Surface and Madame Figaro. Paul Marciano, Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chairman of the Board along with Maurice Marciano, Chairman of the Board operate the powerhouse company founded in 1981.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mel Gibson Criminal Investigation -- Cool Your Jets

Well-placed law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... L.A. County Sheriff's Department investigators are in "absolutely no rush" to formally turn the Mel Gibson case over to the L.A. County District Attorney -- partly because, in reality, the D.A. already has the case.
As TMZ first reported, the official line from the Sheriff's Department was that there was a goal -- to turn the case over to the D.A. by Tuesday. Although investigators in the trenches say Tuesday is possible ... they feel "no pressure" to hit that date. As one source said, "It will get there when it gets there."
And, sources connected with the investigation say it really doesn't matter when the case is turned over, because the prosecutor assigned to the case is fully engaged in the process and already knows what's up.
And, as we've already told you, the D.A. won't make any decision on whether to file charges until the investigation into the extortion allegations against Oksana Grigorieva is complete -- and that's a ways off.
We're told the D.A. will treat both cases as a "package deal," and make filing decisions on both at the same time.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Facts About Relationships

As defined in most dictionaries, marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. It is an agreement that was bind by love and promises that even death can’t break.
It could have but that doesn’t mean it should have. The thing about relationships in the limelight is that there are all kinds of Monday morning quarterbacks who can tell you all about the plays they would have made in this situation. Life is filled with could have, would have, and should have. The thing about celebrity relationships like that of Sandra Bullock and Jesse James is that the public sees too much on the one hand and not enough to really judge on the other hand.
Sacrifice is important to maintain the relationship in the proper equilibrium. That’s the secret in some celebrity couples who successfully managed their relationship with their husbands. They give up the lime light and stayed as plain housewives. With that, they can perform their duties and responsibilities as wife and mother.
There’s the added insult for Sandra Bullock, often referred to as America’s Sweetheart in that she seemed to be the last to know. Despite Jesse James’ “bad boy” image she really believed her love had tamed and changed him. The cheating was a devastating blow. The scale and scope of it was too much for even America’s Sweetheart to handle. I’m thinking James is lucky he still has kneecaps.
The problem is that this type of cheating is becoming more and more widespread. We’re hearing more and more about it on the news. It seems that as soon as one mistress comes forward even more come crawling up out of the woodwork, hungry for media attention, and armed with photographic or text message evidence.
Defined as to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, discipline is the way you look after yourself and keep yourself looking as attractive as possible. Keeping the home as a place of warmth and welcome when you get home at night makes it a difference as to how you both perceive each other. It can be achieved and is well worth the effort no matter how tired may be at the end of the day.
One of the most difficult parts of breaking up is getting through the initial shocks, sadness, and loss. Even those who feel that it was their choice to end the relationship, they still go through a period of feeling lost and confused. It is important not to misinterpret the pain. Most people tend to feel that they are in more pain than the other person. Allow yourself a time to engage in recognition of your pain and your loss and you’ll see the result.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Heidi Klum and husband Seal drag up to join cast of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

Usually alpha-male soul singer Seal showed off his feminine side last night when he and supermodel wife Heidi Klum dressed up with the drag queens backstage at Priscilla Queen Of The Desert: The Musical.
The loved-up pair popped by to watch the award-winning show at London's Palace Theatre - and couldn't resist getting into the outrageous spirit of things backstage afterwards.
Seal, 47, and wife Heidi, 37, donned multi-coloured eye masks with huge false eyelashes to instantly give them a 'trannie' look.
The celebrity couple are in good company - stars who've previously gone along to watch the show include Kylie and Dannii Minogue, Girls Aloud singer Sarah Harding, Cilla Black, Christopher BigginsJermaine Jackson, David Hasselhoff, Bette Midler and Stephen Fry.
Jason Donovan was in role of Tick for just over a year until he left in June this year.
The role is currently being played by Ben Richards, better known as PC Nate Roberts in The Bill.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hollywood's New Diet Secret...Appetite Control

When it comes to staying in shape, no one feels the pressure more than celebrities. Every time Jen or Angie puts on 5 pounds, the tabloids have a field day.
So how do the stars stay slim? A California Company has recently launched an interesting new product which may signal a major breakthrough in weight loss, and Hollywood is taking notice. The company, Sensa, came up with an innovative way to convince the brain to stop overeating.
Maybe you've read about Sensa in The New York Times and Time magazine, or seen it on Dateline NBC and Extra! It's been getting a lot of press coverage because of its impressive clinical results, its unique approach to weight loss, and the amazing story behind its development.
What's so interesting is that Sensa wasn't created by the typical "diet doctor" - instead, it was discovered, somewhat accidentally, by a neurologist named Dr. Alan Hirsch, based on his 20-plus years of research into smell and taste disorders.
What does smell have to do with weight loss? As it turns out, everything. See, hunger isn't controlled by the stomach, but by the brain, and the primary mechanisms that controls how much we eat is our sense of smell.
Enter Dr. Hirsch, an intrepid doctor and scientist, whose lifelong specialty has been understanding how our senses, and in particular, smell and taste affect the brain's functioning. Dr Hirsch studied hundreds of compounds and after years of research developed a set of virtually odorless and tasteless food sprinkles called "Tastants" that have shown a strong impact on the body's appetite-control center. Then, in one of the largest studies of a non-prescription weight-loss system, these Tastants were tested for effectiveness as a means of weight loss.
The results were significant. Over a 6 month period, 1,436 women and men sprinkled, flavorless "Tastant" crystals on everything they ate, and lost an average of 30.5 pounds - nearly 15% of their total body weight.
Participants achieved these results without having to follow any special exercise regime or diet.
Best of all, Sensa contains no stimulants or fat-blockers, so there are no unpleasant side-effects.
According to Dr Hirsch, "With Sensa, you can eat all the foods that satisfy your senses and you don't have to deal with any intense food cravings or feelings of starvation. Sensa merely helps you eat less of the foods you love and gain greater satisfaction from smaller portions."
It didn't take long before the media - and Hollywood - caught on. After all, a flavorless, odorless sprinkle that triggers this type of weight loss? Sounds like something cooked up by a Hollywood studio, right?
Real weight loss without diet and exercise - too good to be true? Apparently the company anticipated a somewhat skeptical response from consumers so they have launched the Sensa Challange.
They are so sure you will lose weight with Sensa that new customers get to use the product for 30 days so that you can see real weight loss before deciding if they want to pay for it or not.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz Wedding

A pregnant Alicia Keys and producer Swizz Beatz tied the knot over the weekend, and Life & Style has exclusive details about the couple's Mediterranean nuptials.
According to the magazine, the intimate July 31 ceremony was attended by Queen Latifah, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Louboutin and Bono.
The wedding took place in Corsica, France, and Deepak Chopra officiated, with the producer's 9-year-old son serving as best man.
"The whole ceremony was magical, like something out of a dream," an eyewitness says.
"I love everything about her," Swizz told Life & Style about his new bride.
Alicia dressed herself in Vera Wang with Louboutin sandals. Her groom wore a Tom Ford tuxedo and bow tie.
20 Reasons Why You Should Ride a Bicycle

You learned how to ride a bike when you were a little kid, and maybe after a couple of years, you gave it up. You're holding off on getting your freedom till you score your driver's license (or maybe you already have your license, but you're sick of paying for gas and fighting with your parents over car privileges).
Maybe you should consider dusting off that old bike of yours. If you're not convinced, here are 20 good reasons.
You don't need a license to ride a bike.
You'll get where you're going way faster than by walking.
Biking is a proven stress reliever. If you're stressed about school or friends or your family, hop on a bike and it'll clear your mind.
Bikes beat buses any day. You don't have to wait at a bike stop for your bike to come and take you to school.
It's a good excuse to buy a chili-pepper-shaped bicycle bell.
Biking burns 500 calories an hour. If you bike an hour a day, you'll shed about a pound a week.
You'll never have to pay for gas.
Bikes are way better than cars for the Earth (you know, that big blue thing you're going to inherit).
You'll have one more thing in common with Pee Wee Herman.
Going for a bike ride with your boyfriend or girlfriend makes for the perfect summer date.
Your friends can't mooch bicycle rides off of you and then refuse to give you gas money.
You can be part of an exclusive bicycle group. There are cycling clubs in tons of cities, like Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh and Portland. Search your city page to find one near you.
You'll never get pulled over by a cop for riding your bike too fast.
At the end of a long bike ride, you feel really good all over. It's the same burst of endorphins that creates a runner's high.
The President of the United States rides bikes (even if he does it wearing mom jeans).
If you're good enough at it, they'll give you a gold medal.
You don't have to worry about traffic.
You'd look pretty foolish wearing a disco ball bike helmet just walking down the street.
You don't have to circle the block looking for parking spots.
You might never look as classy as Audrey Hepburn on a bike, but it'll sure be an improvement.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Married, but Sleeping Alone

Co-sleeping is better for your sex life. “I talked to plenty of men (and women) who think that sexual intercourse is far more frequent if they have access to their partner,” Dr. Rosenblatt said. “If you want it, share a bed.”
Co-sleeping is better for your security. Women, in particular, feel safer from intruders when sleeping with another person.
In the end, the best way to enhance co-sleeping may be to emphasize mattress manners. Here are four steps to restoring honor and dignity to the American bed.
1. Make it. It takes less than a minute; it makes you feel good all day; it’s the opening note for a good night’s sleep.
2. Declutter it. Feng shui masters say that adjusting the environs around a bed can bring couples closer. Time to admit you’re not going to read those books gathering dust on your night stand or order things from those catalogs from before the recession. To improve harmony, Steven Post, a feng shui consultant in San Francisco, recommends wrapping the legs of your bed in red (the color of romance and prosperity) or draping a red cloth over the line that separates the two box springs under a king mattress.
3. Sanctify it. Sleep specialists say that those who pray before they go to bed are more likely to get a good night’s sleep. Dr. Kryger says any ritual will do, including meditating, reading a poem or keeping a journal.
4. Choreograph it. Dr. Rosenblatt found that most couples sleep best when they face away from each other, the better to avoid flexing knees and “that little gush of bad breath.” Map out a strategy, he said, and adjust it frequently. “Sleeping together is an achievement.”
For years, I fell short of that achievement. I was a poor sleeper, while my wife was a pro. Then I got cancer and spent nine months in bed. I feared my wife would be relegated to the sofa, but she stayed by my side, and her presence, occasional touch and peaceful breathing brought comfort to many long nights. Maybe it was the act of confronting my worst fears, but by the end of that year, I was cured of my restlessness. As my Cold War-era grandparents might have appreciated, forced to come face-to-face with my nightmares, I learned to stop worrying and love my bed.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Speed Dating

This "mating sport" also will appeal to those who have become frustrated with the anonymity and long-distance aspects of online dating. Unlike online dating, what you see at a Speed Dating event is what you are going to get. There is no false advertising such as lying about one's age or weight allowed.
The problem with blind dates and personals is that they do not satisfy a very crucial requirement needed in order for two people to hit it off and see each other again: physical attraction and chemistry. Speed dating allows you to meet in person and see if the two of you actually click. You are not required to waste the time that you would meeting someone on a blind date. On a blind date, many squander hours of time being courteous to an individual they would rather just get away from.
The rules of the game are quite simple. The event is usually advertised and singles that want to participate gather at a café or bar. Each "player" is given a nametag and a scorecard.
A timer that allows you to spend seven minutes with each companion rules the game. When your seven minutes is over, a bell is rung, signifying that all players should shift to the next seat to meet the next person.
Usually you are allowed to discuss anything with the potential partner except your name, your job and where you work.
Following each introduction, participants mark on their scorecard whether or not they would be interested in having a real date with the other person. How the game ends varies according to the event. Usually, at the end of the game, the organizers check the scorecards and match up which partners have mutual interest in each other. In some versions of speed dating only the women are given the phone number and in others, both the woman and the man are given the number to follow up on for a date.
Speed dating is the brainchild of Rabbi Yaacov Deyo, who in 1999, wanted to invent a way of allowing single Jewish men and women to meet in a safe, chaperoned environment. Since then the idea has caught on commercially and many online dating sites also feature speed-dating events as part of their activities.
For many singles, who are tried of the bar scene and weary of blind dates, speed dating offers a fun and safe alternative to going online or placing personal ads. Speed dating has proven to be a fairly successful way of meeting a new partner and its proponents claim that more than half of the players in a game usually walk away with the phone number of a potential love match.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Dating Tips For Women

There is nothing like a first date to cause an anxiety attack even in the most confident of women. As most women were raised to seek male approval at any cost, we find ourselves worrying about the wrong things. Will he notice my dress is slightly out of style? Will he laugh at my jokes? Am I his type?
Although a first impression does tend to linger for a while in people's minds it is important not to go overboard and try to be someone that you think he might like - like his ex or a supermodel he admired in a magazine. First dates are also not a good time to experiment with hairstyle or the shape of your brows. The most important thing is to relax and be yourself.
Playing the dating game means being a good sport. Nobody wants to be around a nervous individual or an individual that is trying to hard to impress others. As Bart Simpson would say, "It smacks of effort, man."
If you decide you are going to have a good time, then you probably will. However, there are some steps you can take to put yourself at ease before the date as well as ensure that nobody, and especially you, gets hurt.
First of all, make sure the date will be something you will enjoy. If your date suggests going bowling and you wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of rented running shoes then suggest an alternative. Suggest that the two of you check out that new restaurant that just opened or a stroll through the museum. Scary movies are also good for first dates as they have a way of raising adrenaline levels. This causes him to associate excitement with you.
If the thought of engaging in conversation with a man that you barely know makes you nervous then suggest an activity that keeps you both occupied such as a sports event, horse-back riding, playing darts or taking a walk in the park. Try to choose something that is fun and exciting for both you. This will definitely take the pressure off you to entertain or amuse your partner with conversation.
However don't go overboard with this "making him associate you with excitement" idea. A first date is not a good time to suggest jumping out of an airplane together holding hands or trying the latest in vertigo-inducing equipment at the local amusement park. It is also not the time to venture out to explore any exotic new cuisines that could cause stomach distress.
While out on the date, make sure to take it easy and go with the flow. Anything can happen on a date including spilt wine on a white dress, bad service from a waiter, a flat tire, or even being chased down the street by robbers. Whatever happens, try to keep your sense of humor.
Dating Tips For Men

Every man at some point in his life claims to not understand women. Thankfully you don't have to understand a woman in order to understand dating. As long as you are civil, courteous and polite, nothing should go wrong on the date. Of course, this is just theory...
If you are one of those men who constantly find themselves on a "bad date", then you are probably doing something wrong.
You know you are on a bad date when you are dealing with an uncommunicative woman, a woman that won't stop talking about her ex, a crying woman, a yelling woman or a woman who slaps you on the face.
If the woman is flirting with other men, brings her friends along or suddenly abandons you in a movie or restaurant, then this also qualifies as a bad date.
Even though it is your date that is doing the acting up, you need to do some preparatory work to figure out why you never see these antics coming The following suggestions might help you avoid similar situations in the future.
First of all, realize that sanity or morals do not necessarily accompany good looks. Are you dating this person out of pure lust? If so, you might be blind to her many flaws.
Put some heart into your search for a soul mate. A date isn't just going to show up at the door and ring the bell. Get up off the couch and put yourself on a regimen of good grooming. Contrary to popular belief most women are not looking for a loveable yet eccentric curmudgeon who wears sweatpants all day. Get your physique in shape, buy new clothes and get your hair styled. This does wonders for your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Meditate on what it is you really want from a partner. If it is just a series of one-night stands, then fine, you are more likely to get that after you have spruced yourself up. Promise yourself to be honest with the women you are dating so that you don't end up with an insulted or obsessed woman who feels abandoned or tricked by your casual ways.
If you really want to win the dating game, you first need to develop an inner strategy that determines the prize. Decide who you are looking for and look for that person in a place where they are most likely to hang out. For instance it would be a mistake to try and find a mother for your two children at a rave.